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In the United States, job openings refer to all positions that are open (not filled) on the last business day of the month. Job openings are part of the Job Openings and Labor Turnover Survey (JOLTS). The survey collects data from around 16400 nonfarm establishments including retailers and manufacturers, as well as federal, state, and local government entities in the 50 states and the District of Columbia. The JOLTS assesses the unmet demand for labor in the U.S. labor market and gained attention in 2014 as favorite labor market indicator of Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen.
In the United States, job quits are generally voluntary separations initiated by the employee. Therefore, the quits rate can serve as a measure of workers’ willingness or ability to leave jobs. The quits rate is computed by dividing the number of quits by employment and multiplying that quotient by 100.
Germany is a member of the European Union which has adopted the euro. Germany's benchmark interest rate is set by the European Central Bank. The official designation for the rate is main refinancing operation.
The Johnson Redbook Index is a sales-weighted of year-over-year same-store sales growth in a sample of large US general merchandise retailers representing about 9,000 stores. Same-store sales are sales in stores continuously open for 12 months or longer. By dollar value, the Index represents over 80% of the equivalent 'official' retail sales series collected and published by the US Department of Commerce. Redbook compiles the Index by collecting and interpreting performance estimates from retailers. The Index and its sub-groups are sales-weighted aggregates of these estimates. Weeks are retail weeks (Sunday to Saturday), and equally weighted within the month.
NFIB Small Business Optimism Index is a composite of ten seasonally adjusted components calculated based on the answers of around 620 NFIB members. This questions include: plans to increase employment, plans to make capital outlays, plans to increase inventories, expect economy to improve, expect real sales higher, current inventory, current job openings, expected credit conditions, now a good time to expand, and earnings trend.
Inflation Rate MoM measures month over month change in the price of goods and services.
In Czech Republic, the most important category in the consumer price index is Housing and Utilities (27 percent of total weight). Food and Non-Alcoholic Beverages accounts for 18 percent; Transport for 10 percent; Alcoholic Beverages and Tobacco for 9 percent; Recreation and Culture for 8 percent and Miscellaneous Goods and Services for 6 percent. Furniture, Household Goods and Maintenance; Restaurants and Hotels; Clothing and Footwear; Communication; Health and Education account for the remaining 27 percent of total weight.
Inflation Rate MoM measures month over month change in the price of goods and services.
In Hungary, the core inflation rate tracks changes in prices that consumers pay for a basket of goods which excludes some volatile price items.
In Hungary, the most important category in the consumer price index is Food and Non-Alcoholic Beverages (23 percent of total weight). Transport accounts for 15 percent; Housing and Utilities for 12 percent; Alcoholic beverages, Tobacco and Narcotics for 9 percent; Recreation and Culture for 7 percent; Miscellaneous Goods and Services for 7 percent; and Furniture, Household Equipment and Maintenance for 7 percent. Health; Restaurants and Hotels; Communication; Clothing and Footwear; and Education account for the remaining 20 percent of total weight.
Denmark has been reporting consistent trade surpluses since 1988. Denmark is self-sufficient in energy producing oil, natural gas, wind and bio energy. Its principal exports are machinery, chemicals and food products. Denmark imports mainly machinery and equipment, raw materials and semi manufactures for industry, foodstuffs and chemicals. In 2017, the largest trade surpluses were recorded with the US, the UK, Norway, France and Russia, while the biggest trade deficits were recorded with Germany, the Netherlands, China and Sweden.
Current Account is the sum of the balance of trade (exports minus imports of goods and services), net factor income (such as interest and dividends) and net transfer payments (such as foreign aid).
In Turkey, the Retail sales report provides an aggregated measure of sales of retail goods and services over a specific time period. In Turkey, Retail sales are seasonal, volatile and relatively important to the overall economy.
In Turkey, the year-over-year change in Retail sales compares the aggregated sales of retail goods and services during a certain month to the same month a year ago.
In Turkey, Total Motor Vehicles Production refers to the production of total motor vehicles, excluding tractors.
Machine Tool Orders in Japan measure the change in the total value of new orders placed with machine tool manufacturers.
Inflation Rate MoM measures month over month change in the price of goods and services.
In Netherlands, the most important categories in the consumer price index are: housing, water, electricity and gas (24.5 percent of the total weight); transport (11.6 percent) and food and non-alcoholic beverages (11.3 percent). The index also includes: recreation and culture (10.3 percent); furnishing and household equipment (6 percent); clothing and footwear (4.9 percent); hotels and restaurants (4.2 percent); communication (3.3 percent) and alcoholic beverages and tobacco (3.1 percent). Health, education and other goods and services account for the remaining 20.8 percent of total weight.
In Indonesia, the Consumer Confidence Index (CCI) measures consumer’s expectations about current income and job availability against those 6 months ago, appropriate time to buy durable goods, and general economic conditions and job availability expectations in the next 6 months. The index is based on a survey of around 4600 middle up class households in major cities (those cities cover about 78 percent of GDP). Data is collected through phone interviews and direct visits. The two main components of the Index are the current economic condition index and the consumer expectation index. The CCI is computed as a net balance obtained from the difference between percentage on ’increase’ answer and percentage on ’decrease’ answer. An index above 100 indicates an improving outlook and below 100 a deteriorating outlook.
The Ulster Bank Construction Purchasing Managers’ Index® is a seasonally adjusted index designed to track changes in total construction activity in Ireland. Data are collected at mid-month, asking respondents to compare a variety of business conditions with the situation one month ago. A reading of below 50.0 indicates that the economy is generally declining, above 50.0 that it is generally expanding and exactly 50.0 indicates no change on the level recorded the previous month. This is only a limited sample of PMI headline data displayed on the Customer’s service, under licence from S&P Global. Full historic PMI headline data and all other PMI sub-index data and histories are available on subscription from S&P Global. Contact [email protected] for more details.
The BRC-KPMG Retail Sales Monitor measures changes in the actual value of retail sales from a sample of retailers. The Monitor measures the value of spending and hence does not adjust for price changes. If prices are rising, sales volumes will increase by less than sales values. In times of price deflation, sales volumes will increase by more than sales values. Retailers report the value of their sales and sales in the equivalent week a year ago. These figures are reported both in total and on a ‘like-for-like’ basis. The percentage increase in the value of sales on a ‘like-for-like’ basis removes the effect of the expansion of retail floor space by the retailers concerned on their sales total. Due to the sample being biased towards large retailers, the ‘like-for-like’ increase usually provides a more accurate guide to general spending patterns, though it will be biased downwards as an estimate of the growth rate for retail as a whole.
Japan's industrialized, free market economy is the fourth biggest in the world. Japan has the largest electronics industry and the third largest automobile industry in the world. Japan’s economy is well-known by its efficiency and competitiveness in exports oriented sectors, but productivity is lower in areas such as agriculture, distribution, and services.
GDP Annualized Growth Rate shows the gdp growth that would be registered if the quarter-on-quarter rate of change were maintained for a full year.
In Japan, GDP External Demand Contribution measures the overall contribution of net exports of goods and services to the GDP. The contribution is calculated as the contribution of exports less that of imports.
Gross fixed capital formation measures the value of acquisitions of new or existing fixed assets by the business sector, governments and households (excluding their unincorporated enterprises) less disposals of fixed assets.
In Japan, final consumption expenditure of households takes into consideration the supply-side estimates as well as the demand-side estimates derived from "Family Income and Expenditure Survey" etc. The final consumption expenditure of households represents the weighed average of demand-side and supply-side estimates.
The GDP Deflator measures the change in prices of final goods and services and it is considered as a key indicator for inflationary pressures, that provides insight into the future direction of monetary policy.
The Consumer Sentiment Index is based on a survey of over 1,200 Australian households. The Index is an average of five component indexes which reflect consumers' evaluations of their household financial situation over the past year and the coming year, anticipated economic conditions over the coming year and the next five years, and buying conditions for major household items. The index scores above 100 indicate that optimists outweigh pessimists.
The Consumer Sentiment Index is based on a survey of over 1,200 Australian households. The Index is an average of five component indexes which reflect consumers' evaluations of their household financial situation over the past year and the coming year, anticipated economic conditions over the coming year and the next five years, and buying conditions for major household items. The index scores above 100 indicate that optimists outweigh pessimists.
In Japan, Household Spending YoY refers to the annual change of consumption expenditures (on food, housing, utilities, furniture, clothing, health, education, transport, communication, leisure activities, etc.) in real terms for two-or-more-person households including agricultural, forestry and fisheries households.
In Japan, Household Spending MoM refers to the monthly change of consumption expenditures (on food, housing, utilities, furniture, clothing, health, education, transport, communication, leisure activities, etc.) in real terms for two-or-more-person households including agricultural, forestry and fisheries households.
In New Zealand, manufacturing sales refer to the year-on-year change in the volume of sales in the manufacturing sector of the economy. The survey includes 13 industries: meat and dairy product; seafood processing; fruit, oil, cereal, and other food; beverages and tobacco; textile, leather, clothing, and footwear; wood and paper products; printing; petroleum and coal product; chemical, polymer, and rubber products; non-metallic mineral products; metal products; transport equipment, machinery, and equipment; and furniture.